“It’s not about the destination, but the journey.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "It's not about the destination, but the journey." While I typically subscribe to that line of thinking, this page is dedicated to the destination. Welcome to my travel blog! Most everyone that knows me knows that one of the things I'm passionate about is seeing the world. Most of my bucket list items consist of traveling to different places and experiencing life in the process. As my hobby is photography it makes it a win win. if I can go somewhere new, capture it, and then share it with anyone who will listen, then I've done my job. While the 'interwebz' is currently saturated with 'bloggers'--apparently, I'm now one of them--,I intend on being different and unique with my perspective. How? Well, to be honest, I'm not sure. But what I intend on doing is just sharing what I know and where I've been with you. If that brings you some sort of existential enlightenment, well, then so be it. As is the case, one of my main goals is to bring you content that's solely produced by me. That means that either I've been there, am planning on going there, or have a desire to go there. So, with that being the case, welcome to The Destination! Let's go exploring!