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Falcon 9

Social Anxiety


Social Anxiety

Hey howdy hey, everybody!

Since I have this, I might as well use it to share a bit of news.  Nothing new on the job front, but I have been afforded (remember that word) a unique opportunity via NASA and SpaceX.  But before I get to that, a bit of a history lesson.

As some of you may or (probably) may not know, NASA has a program called NASA Social.  This program--as the name gives away--is NASA's social arm to the world.  This is where they connect with all the other geeks of the world and show us what the best and the brightest spend their days doing.  Spoiler Alert!--most of their posts have to do with space!  Regardless of whether or not you Follow, LIKE, or (insert kitschy catch phrase for social media here) NASA--which I really don't get why you wouldn't--I'm here to tell you why you should.  Besides all the fun and interesting things--SCIENCE!--that get posted to their accounts, they, on occasion, open the normally restricted NASA world to us, plebs (or plebes if you're a Navy man or woman).  The events can range from going to one of their many facilities and doing a variety of social things, all the way to attending a launch/landing or some combination therein.  The process is very selective, and typically, thousands of people apply for a spot regardless of how mundane the activity is.  I have applied before and have received countless emails saying, "Thanks but no thanks."

Here's where things get interesting...

A few weeks ago, I came across one of their postings for applications to one of their socials.  I, like I normally do, applied and let the process happen.  I didn't give it much thought (besides the 'essay' they make you write to explain why they should let you join) and expected to get another rejection letter in a few weeks.  After all, who am I apart from just some random space geek?  Anyhow, I applied and waited... and waited... and waited some more.  Then, finally, I received an email from the typical NASA HQ email which normally sends their rejections.  Although, this time, the email was different.  This time, the email was to let me know that my application was selected out of the many--I like to think thousands--applicants who applied!  I'm going to NASA!  If I could do a backflip, I would have!  

SpaceX Falcon 9 Dragon CRS-1. 

Photo Credit: (NASA/Paul E. Alers)

And now to the REALLY interesting part...

The social which I applied--and was selected to go to--is for the upcoming SpaceX launch of the Falcon 9 rocket with the Dragon CRS-3 spacecraft from Cape Canaveral, FL.  That's right... a launch.  Not only was I selected for the event, I was selected for one of the more coveted events.  The 'Holy Grail' of socials, if you will.  Talk about hitting a home run on the first trip to the plate!  

Now... about that word 'Afforded'...

The only downside to this is that I have to figure out a way to get to FL on the shoe string budget that I am currently on.  Luckily, I have a stockpile of airline miles that I may just use for the trip.  Another lucky bit is that I have parents who are awesome and are going to let me borrow on of their cars to get to the launch.  So, hopefully, that means that all I will have to cover is shelter and food.  Regardless of all that, I'm ecstatic that I've been selected.  Hopefully, everything will work out just right for me to go.  If not... well... let's just hope it doesn't get to that.  



