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Hello... Again


Hey, everyone.  Yes, it’s me, your beloved author.  I know I haven’t been here in a while—not that anyone really noticed—but I plan to change that.  Back when I first decided to start blogging, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with it.  First I just starting putting thoughts down and seeing what would manifest from there. Since then, I’ve changed my mind more times than I’ve ever thought possible. Frankly, I’m still a bit iffy on the whole subject.  Yeah, I know that’s strange coming from someone who’s actively sharing thoughts with strangers, but I’m really a pretty quiet and reserved guy.  With that being the case, I never think that what I do is good enough to share. I don’t feel that my contributions are worth people’s time, which has basically made me a horrible self-promoter. That’s probably why I hoard my photos.

Let’s get back on topic here before this turns into a therapy session. I think my biggest mental block has been that I want to do too many things at once.  I want to write about travel, while at the same time writing about tech, while at the same time writing about the ridicoulousness of daily life.  The problem is, with such a broad spectrum of things to write about, and such an overwhelming level of details, it makes me just not want to write anything. Baically, I lack focus.


It’s interesting that I used the word ‘focus’ since that’s how I plan get out of this funk. To help me out of this fog, I’m going back to what I enjoy doing, and that’s taking photos.  My plan is to capture the moments that make life what it is, and write about my experiences. I remember something that one of my Creative Writting teachers taught me back in high school, “show me don’t tell me.” I’m pretty sure she was just teaching me to be descriptive with my words, but I’m going to use this as my way to tell you the story... whatever that story may be (spoiler alert: mostly travel and fixing up our 1927 Bungalow).  

Anyhow, this is getting pretty long for an update blog, especially for one with no pictures. So let’s just see where things go. It should be fun.

